La coiffure dans votre salon

Dans Votre Salon


À propos de François - Coiffeur à Domicile

Je suis François, coiffeur à domicile depuis plus de dix ans, formé à Londres et basé à Nantes. Mon objectif est simple : offrir des services de coiffure personnalisés et de haute qualité, dans le

confort de votre foyer.

Avec une formation de pointe et une passion pour mon métier, je m'engage à écouter attentivement vos besoins et à créer des coupes, des couleurs et des styles qui vous mettent en valeur. Mon approche

personnalisée et mon expérience font de moi le choix idéal pour une expérience de coiffure exceptionnelle.

Contactez-moi dès aujourd'hui pour réserver votre prochain rendez-vous et découvrir ce que je peux faire pour sublimer votre style!

À propos de François - Coiffeur à Domicile

Let me take care of you


Our products are 100% ecological and specially formulated to provide expert skin care while also caring for the planet.


With over a decade of hands-on experience in the field, all treatments are carried out in a safe and professional setting.

About me

I've always had a thing for aesthetics. From a young age, I've been fascinated with skincare, and after developing dermatitis herpetiformis and having to give up gluten, I decided to share my findings with the rest of the world.

In 10 years, a lot has changed in cosmetology. As an avid and life-long learner, I take pride in keeping up with the newest trends in order to be able to provide you with the expert care you deserve.

Kristine Henderson

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Jess Mariko

I initially got referred to Kristine by my doctor, since I suffer from a psoriasis that's been difficult to manage with medication alone. Thanks to Kristine's know-how, we've been able to keep the flair-ups down for a year now.

Sarah Morgan

Alice Stauber

I recently moved to the area and was looking for a beauty salon that would offer both body treatments and nail services. Kristine does both, and she does them well. Thanks girl!

Kristine is the best – I've been regularly seeing her for 2 years now and I've been able to seriously improve my cystic acne. She's professional and knows what she's doing.

My products

• SHOP •


Lip Gloss

Organic oil

$ 36

$ 12

$ 7

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